November 4, 2020
In Defense of Juveniles: What Delinquency Attorneys Need to Know about Working with and on Behalf of Youth
Juvenile justice is a complex and ever-evolving area of law, policy, and practice. Professionals working with and on behalf of children in delinquency cases require specialized skills, education, and training. Furthermore, children in these cases face potentially severe and enduring consequences as a result of involvement with the juvenile justice system. Juvenile defense attorneys are of critical importance ensuring that juveniles receive the care, treatment, and guidance upon which the juvenile court system is premised.
October 22, 2020
It's not too late to apply to the NHSC S2S Loan Repayment Program
NHSC S2S LRP applicants may qualify for up to $120,000 in loan repayment for their medical, nursing and dental school student loans. Eligible health professional students in their final year of school receive the award in exchange for a three-year service commitment in a high-need rural, tribal, or urban community. Read the 2021 Application and Program Guidance (PDF-1.2 MB) carefully before you start your application.
September 25, 2020
Medi-Cal providers and others are invited to attend free Live online webinars from national experts. FREE 1.0 Credit Hour CME/CE
August 14, 2020
Psychotherapeutic Art Interventions for Navigating Trauma
PAINT (Psychotherapeutic Art Interventions for Navigating Trauma) • Are you a school-basedmental health provider working with students covered by Medi-Cal? • Do you want to deepen your knowledge of evidence-based, trauma-informed and relationship-centered practices? • Do you want to learn about innovative and engaging art-based interventions that have been adapted for Telehealth delivery?
August 14, 2020
Trauma Informed Care When Working with Youth and Families
Trauma Informed Care (TIC) aims to highlight the widespread prevalence and effects of trauma, various pathways to recovery, and consolidate the knowledge of trauma in bringing the best possible collaborative care to patients, families, and staff working in the helping professions.
August 14, 2020
Eliminating Inequities in Behavioral Health Care Webinar Series
The target audience for the series includes behavioral health care leadership, administrators and managers, ethnic service managers, peer professionals, clinical supervisors, clinicians/direct care providers, and care managers.
August 5, 2020
eventsConnecting with Communities: Webinar Series
TCP is hosting a series of webinars with partners to inform and empower California’s children, youth and families on issues that impact their health and well-being.Topics include health coverage & access, youth mental health, back-to-school resources and telehealth.
August 5, 2020
eventsUC Davis Presents: Not Being Racist is no Longer Enough
Human Services at UC Davis is pleased to announce a new webinar series for Human Services leaders and staff as the kickoff to many additional course offerings that support anti-racist and culturally responsive practice in child welfare, eligibility, Wraparound and other Human Services programs. Join us each Friday morning in August from 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. for a new installment in the series.
July 31, 2020
California Youth Connection Virtual Town Hall and Special Session
Join CYC for two amazing events as part of the 2020 Summer Leadership Policy Conference (#20SLPC). The #20SLPC Town Hall on Aug 3rd, 2020 2-4pm PST and Special Session on Aug 1st 2020 11am-1pm PST
July 28, 2020
Join School Health Providers & Youth August 5 for a Morning of Advocacy
Join California School-Based Health Alliance for a day of advocacy on Wednesday, August 5.
July 28, 2020
Monthly Healing the Nation webinar presented by Well Being Trust
Webinar focused on mental health using the policy framework outlined in Healing the Nation. Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at 12:30 PM PST.
July 28, 2020
Panel Discussion on Mental Health Access and the Safety Net
Panel on mental health access presented by State of Reform. Wednesday, July 29, 2020 at 12:00 PM.
July 21, 2020
Partnerships to Advance Trauma-Informed Communities
The Catalyst embarks on a yearlong systems change initiative, working to raise the capacity of providers and the agencies that structure their supports to collectively Advance Trauma-Informed Communities.
July 7, 2020
Webinar for Caregivers: RFA Policies and Foster Youth Rights
Webinar for caregivers presented by CDSS. Free and open to all caregivers and those who work with caregivers.
July 1, 2020
Webinar presented by John Burton Advocates for Youth
"Combating Summer Melt Amid a Pandemic" webinar presented by John Burton Advocates for Youth on July 16.
June 30, 2020
School Mental Health Webinar presented by MHTTC
Free webinar on School Mental Health presented by MHTTC.
June 18, 2020
Webinar Opportunity with Building Movement Project: Race to Lead Revisited
Webinar with Building Movement Project on Race to Lead Revisited report. Tuesday, June 30 at 12:00 PM PST.
June 15, 2020
Rural Mental Health Webinar Led by The Harvard Education Redesign Lab
Webinar hosted by The Harvard Education Redesign Lab about the effects of poverty on social mobility in rural communities.
May 20, 2020
Webinar/Open Forum on Navigating Unique Work Environments during COVID-19
Join Seneca Family of Agencies for a Webinar and Open Forum on working safely with youth and families during COVID-19 on Thursday, May 21 from 10:30 to 11:30 AM.