Psychotherapeutic Art Interventions for Navigating Trauma
August 14, 2020

PAINT (Psychotherapeutic Art Interventions for Navigating Trauma)
• Are you a school-basedmental health provider working with students covered by Medi-Cal?
• Do you want to deepen your knowledge of evidence-based, trauma-informed and relationship-centered practices?
• Do you want to learn about innovative and engaging art-based interventions that have been adapted for Telehealth delivery?
Sept. 22, 9AM-12:30PM
Sept. 23,12:30PM-4PM
Follow-up training options: October 20, 9:00AM-12:30PM or October 21, 12:30PM-4:00PM'
November 17, 9:00AM-12:30PM or November 18, 12:30PM-4:00PM
Monthly small group case consults: offered January through May; Dates and Times TBD via Doodle poll.
Register for either the morning training or the afternoon training.
To register please
Through a generous grant from the Office of the California Surgeon General and the DHCS, LINCOLN is offering this training series free of charge to school-based mental health providers serving students covered by Medi-Cal.
CEUs available to LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs.
PAINT is designed and overseen by Francine Ostrem, Ph.D., LMFT, LPCC.
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