Youth Resource Workgroup

In partnership with CDSS, the Catalyst Center has established the Youth Resource Workgroup (YRW) to assist providers and counties in proactively meeting the needs of children and youth in care, including consultation to identify new or alternative placements, interventions, and strategies to support safety and stability and to enhance the current treatment plan.
This resource is not intended for emergency identification of placement.

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Meeting Information

Workgroup meetings are held via Zoom on Mondays at 2:00 p.m. and Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. where we can collaborate to create realistic solutions

discuss the referral situation and identify recommendations.

Recommend programmatic, clinical, medical, or funding strategies.

Help Follow-up to collaborate counties, providers, & state policy makers.

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2201 K Street, Sacramento, CA 95816
Phone: 916/449-2273

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